Cottages With WiFi: Ten Great Ways to Make the Most of WiFi on Holiday

Published: Thursday 16th Oct 2014

Written by: Heather-Belle Russell

When you go on holiday you’re leaving it all behind; the strains, the stresses, the cares … and the WiFi. Until very recently it was rare to find holiday cottages with WiFi, leaving you with the choice of using an often expensive and unreliable data connection, or no internet at all. But now you can choose from our wide range of cottages with WiFi, giving you a consistent, fast and reliable connection. Just one question remains though, how can you use WiFi to make the most of your holiday?

Share your Holiday

The world is a connected place. Social media means you can share holiday snaps and video with a just a few clicks, but normally it all has to wait until you get home, buy which time everything needs unpacking, several loads of washing await you, work is only a day away and the fun has gone out of it. In a cottage with WiFi you can upload as you go, keeping your friends up to date with how your break is going and hopefully making them very jealous…


Getting to your holiday is one thing, but what about travelling around the area when you get there? Before WiFi you’d have to rely on maps and outdated sat-nav information, but now you can download the latest maps, check the latest travel conditions and locations of any roadworks liable to hold up your holiday fun. It’s also a great way to find the best local cycle routes and walking guides.

Find Out What’s On

The stats don’t lie, over 60% of people use the internet to find out what’s happening in their local area when they arrive at their holiday destination. With WiFi you’ll be able to see what’s on, when and where it’s on and most importantly whether it’s worth going to.

Keep Track At Home

Of course, it works both ways and while you’re sharing pictures of your lovely sunny holiday, you can also keep track of what’s happening back home so you’re not cut off from your friends and family.

Catch Up TV

There comes a point on a holiday, maybe in the evening when the kids have gone to bed or on a rainy morning, when you just want to relax and watch some TV. Normally you would be limited to what’s showing at that time, but with WiFi and a laptop or tablet you have access to an almost unlimited choice of shows and films on YouTube and on-demand channels.


When you’re on holiday, the last thing you want to do is traipse around a supermarket for the best part of an hour stocking up on the week’s supplies when there are so many better things for you to do. So use your WiFi connection to place an online order and get everything be delivered to your holiday door. It’s also a great way to search out specialist shops or if you need to track down a late night pharmacy in an emergency.


Holidays are all about getting away from it, but sometimes it’s not always that simple. With a decent WiFi connection you can have access to your email at all times (and then decide whether you want to answer them).


Have you ever eagerly started on your holiday read only to have that sinking feeling thirty pages in that you’ve made a big mistake and you’re now left with nothing to read for the next six days bar the dog eared copy of Hello magazine that you picked up at the petrol station on the way up there? In a cottage with WiFi you can easily rectify this problem and quickly download a new ebook or research your next purchase from the local bookstore.

Create a Holiday Playlist

With sites like Spotify and YouTube, you can stream all the music you want so your holiday never has to be silent. And while you’re at it, why not create a playlist? That way, six months down the line on a grey winter’s day you only have to click a button and the good times will come flooding back.

Get the Latest Weather Report

Ah the British weather. It may not make or break a holiday, but it certainly can make it miserable if, say, you find yourself halfway up Helvellyn with no waterproof when the heavens open, or it’s a scorching day on Southwold beach and you’ve wrapped up in a sou’wester. Staying in cottages with WiFi means you’ve access to the very latest forecast, right up to the minute you step out of the door, allowing you to dress and pack accordingly.

Heather-Belle Russell
Heather-Belle Russell


Sales Support Team Member


Original Cottages - Truly local, wherever you stay.



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